Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, we'll find the mouse
And I love you

Last night was Iris night. Every Tuesday I am able to baby-sit little Iris, who is Megan’s daughter. Megan has been a friend for a long time now and now Iris is becoming a friend too. She came to my new apartment for the first time last night and we watched movies and ate fruit. Well, I should be more honest, she crawled, there was a movie on and we ate fruit. She is just at ten months and is everywhere. She is doing the pull up and stand thing and has started to wave and say bye-bye. She really likes to wave. She claps too. That is so funny because the noise makes her smile and laugh. It’s like it is a game or something. The fruit was a new thing to her you could tell. The fruit was cool because it was so sweet for her. I would pinch a ten month old piece of watermelon and give it to her and her whole face would light up. It was as though it was cotton candy but better. She didn’t like the blue berries, but she did like the watermelon and the grapes. I gave her a blue berry and she made a squenchy eye look with pucker lips. I guess it was tart to her. It was really funny. I thought about throwing one in every so often just to see the face, but decided that wouldn’t be nice. But it was really funny. She is such a good baby. She rarely cries. The only time she cried last night was when she wanted food and when Meg showed back up. She has really figured out that Megan is mom, which was not true a couple of months ago. Now if Meg is in the room, she has to be with her. It is very sweet.

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