Thursday, September 02, 2004

Istanbul is Constantinople…

Thank goodness I finally slept. While I was supposed to be cleaning and packing, I decided I would rather sleep and today is a good day. My apartment is in boxes but I am put back together enough that I will be able to unpack with a clear head and an open mind and not be overwhelmed by my stuff. And I have lots of stuff. I will be tossing out and cleaning up this evening and probably talking politics in between. That is what lost me sleep in the first place. I talked politics first with Alan and then with Mom two nights in a row and never ended up with sleep. Today I got all of my work done and was able to help the Queen B (she needs LOTS of help, thus the name). It’s good to help those who need it. It sure is a lot easier after I have helped myself.

I have been reading The DaVinci Code also. It is another sleep depriver in my life. Politics and Davinci, what a pair. It is really good. It is apparent that he is writing it for a movie script. The chapters are short, the plot is jumbled by three or four story lines intermittent, which I expect to come together here soon, and there are cliff hanger sentences followed by repeaters in the chapter breaks. The thing that gets me is how much research this author did to create such an elaborate conspiracy theory. So much of the theory is real and then there are just off the wall things that they lead to, it is really impressive his connections through conjectures. I can’t wait to get back into it tonight. Of course, it will be after the cleaning and tossing mind you.

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