Friday, September 17, 2004

Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Well, there are definitely blue skies everywhere. It is as though God washed the sky and instead of it being white as snow it is blue as water in the Caribbean (or at least what I would imagine they would look like seeing as I have never been there and it is currently amidst the current hurricane, Jeanne). The weird part of the blue skies is the edge of dark clouds that are being blown out of the county. Turns out that Habersham had two F1 tornadoes last night touch down and ripped apart the land a good bit. I went to White County to hide, which turned out to be the right decision because there were only power outages and flooding which was the lesser of the evils if you ask me. The Chattahoochee flooded out Sautee and Helen. The storm was so scary. My boss tried to get home last night from Savannah and wrecked the new company car (new as in purchased the day before she left for Savannah new) in Athens. My super boss has a tree in her house. It looked pretty awful when I went by to look at it. When I passed a Georgia Power man while I was out and about, I made sure to stop and thank him. He grinned. “You’da” thought I’d given him a lollipop. There are power lines down all over the place because of the trees. There are trees all turned in the wrong direction everywhere. As soon as you pick up any type of regular speed driving, a tree shows up in the wrong place. I can see why the kids are not in school. The busses would never pass. I am glad that I got to come into work today. I don’t like it when I don’t work, it throws my whole financial scale off and I can’t play nearly as much, not to mention my sleep schedule and internal routine clock. Although, there will be no playing tonight, only sleeping. I am exhausted!! I had a hard time sleeping because the storm was so noisy. I did get new tires today. That was a trick. I walked in and said I need two front tires and since there was no one in the shop, because everyone is sawing trees or carting kids or something, they were installed and paid for in thirty minutes. It was a good day to get tires. Now I can go to Macon this weekend and Uncle Carter’s wedding and not have any sliding or slipping or popping or flattening experiences. Unlike those here in the county who have had all of those experiences but unfortunately not with their tires rather with their homes and businesses.

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