Monday, August 30, 2004

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Oh my! The amount of people in the office this morning was nuts. I get here everyday right at the same time: between 740 and 745 am. Normally I have to wait in the parking lot until someone with a key arrives and so I listen to an NPR article or something. This morning I arrived at the same time and there were five cars already in the front parking lot and as I walked back to my desk, people were everywhere like I walked in during the middle of the day or something. Folks were making comments about me “finally” getting here. The office has been going full blast since then. Everyone is on edge as though we have been working hard all week and it is only Monday! The only person who didn’t notice was my boss. She is always late. She tells me to try and be here early all the time and I say okay, because I recognize that her idea of early is 830. I wish. True to form she showed up at 845 this morning, it was early for her by fifteen minutes. She is a nine to five kinda girl. Thank goodness for me because I can get things done in the meanwhile trying to keep up with her! It was so different this morning. I am so used to settling in to my desk and perhaps write a blog or get coffee or something, but not this morning. It was like stepping onto one of those walking conveyer belts at the airport. Things just flew by me and I had to keep up the pace. Almost like a workout that you can’t feel. Weird.

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