Thursday, August 26, 2004

And the dirt beneath my heels in the road
Obeys command to me and serves me as I go

Oh man, I am soooo tired. I was going to try to go by my place in Sautee to pick some things up, but I just couldn’t stand it. I ended up again last night not sleeping until almost midnight. My sleep was so heavy that when my alarm went off this morning I could feel myself come out of the heaviness that comes with that type of sleep. Michelle says that it is not surprising that I am not sleeping well. She says that I have too much going on and I will just have to wait it out. Oof. Maybe I will sleep on Monday. That would be a good day to sleep. I have strong, strapping young men with young backs who are going to move my dresser up three flights of stairs on Saturday. It should be interesting. The rest of it will be going in different directions. I am already tired just thinking about it. Tonight is a birthday of a friend, Alex. How I love Alex. He is such a wonderful person. We are going to do cake and ice cream which means no moving for me. Playing hard, working hard makes for a tired girl.

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