Monday, October 16, 2006

Dance is such a wonderful thing. Last night's dance class was just great. I mean, great. Had I had a choice, I would have let it go on for at least another hour. Then I talked to my girlfriend Debbie all the way home. I am a phone talker. Some people are not phone talkers, but I could talk on a phone all day long. I like to talk and work on my house at the same time, however, it is also a good way to pass along the commute back from Athens. Last weekend I talked with Aunt Bonnie for over two and a half hours on the phone. Can you imagine? I didn't realize it until it was almost ten o'clock and was ready for bed. Strangely, my phone bill has increased last month, not in cost, rather in minutes on that Sunday night commute all the way back from Athens (weekends are unlimited free minutes and man do I use it). On nights and weekends I am talking 1380 minutes, that means I am talking for almost a WHOLE DAY on the weekends. Pretty impressive my friend. Mom holds the title for longest phone call which is a total of 72 minutes. Mom is a total NON phone person, which means it must have been important. It was a Sunday. Something about Sundays. Mom has always said that I could make friends with a brick wall. Maybe that is who I have been talking to on the phone. My total phone talking comes to forty hours...a month. It is a part time job. I love it.


Dr. G. said...

You are definitely a phone talker. More than anyone I know:) How in the world did I talk with you for 72 mins.?!?! Mostly, about 10 minutes is long enough for me....
Love you,
Mrs. G

Rae said...

Must have been important. Who knows?! I think Aunt Bonnie will win this time. --Rae