Saturday, October 07, 2006

I think I just got taken by a cheerleader. She was blonde haired and blue eyed. She had a nice smile, bows in her hair and a yellow cheer shirt on with black cheer shorts. Everything about her said rah! rah! shish boom bah! She explained it all quite clearly. She said that she was looking for sponsors for her first year in cheer and that I could give on any level. There were three levels (bronze, silver and gold) and that even if I couldn't give on one of those levels, I could just give a few dollars to help out. So I gave on the silver level and began to fill out the form. She quickly yanked the form out from under my pen and said, oh no. You don't have to fill this out it is just to explain it. She then accepted politely the money, turned on her heal and zip out the door. Thank you! She cried as she took off to meet up with her cousin who had come in with her to use the bathroom. No more than ten. She was a con that was no more than ten. She gave no receipt. I can't even remember her team name or cheer association. AND I don't get credit for being a silver sponsor. WHAT IS THAT? I just got scammed by a cheerleader! Who said these chicks were stupid? That was the slickest thing I have ever seen. Amazing. I should write a movie script or plot about savage, manipulating ten year old cheerleaders who con folks out of money.

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