Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of fun tomake life better. Friday night went to OUtback in Commerce so as to meet up with Megan and hang out. I had a bit of shopping to do for the wedding too so and it is half way for both of us to drive. Perfect! We get to Outback and to make things better, two of our friends are already there, Patrick and Carlton. Patrick and Carlton are like hanging out with the Blue Collar Comedy tour so needless to say, there was great merriment. Even better, while we waited for our table, they ate dinner. While we ate dinner, they had coffee and hung out with us! It was great fun. So instead of having to wait on our good time in line, we had a long happy, familiar evening. Saturday night, Martha threw a party and with a whole separate group of friends (although the comedy tour was there initially, but left to go to a movie) John & I had another great evening. It was like family. Unbelievable. Martha has an awesome bonfire/chimenea/mesh wiring type thing to burn wood in and everyone brought snackables. We sat around that fire for HOURS, talked about studdering country stars, Henry V, brawlhead and laughed until we were so tired, we weren't sure we would make it off the mountain. Finally, Sunday breakfast with the boys was the best so far. Today it was an honest family. It was apparent that everyone was honestly trying and enjoying their efforts in being a family. David is going to apply to Winthrop University, North Georgia and Young Harris to begin his stint in college looking realistically because of his grades (he has a 3.6 and is not sure that will fly at the big schools). He is making all A's except for chemistry which is an 86 because of his first test. Joey is doing great at work and buldging out of his clothes because of his new workout schedules being so productive. He is very excited to increase his body size because this way he is less like his brother Eric who is a sissy boy. Eric, unfortunately wasn't there, but Timbo, a good friend, was. He looked about like me because there was no water and Clarkesville thus no shower, however, happy because it had been a good weekend. It was a great weekend. I finally feel like I am back to normal. I finally feel like I am happy again. I get to go to dance tonight just to add to the good things that are happening. Sometimes my life is a Gene Kelly movie. Who could ask for anything more?


Dr. G. said...

Your happy weekend made me smile:)
-Mrs. G

Sarah said...

I must not be following something -- a 3.6 GPA and that's not good enough for the "big schools?"

Rae said...

Not Tech...He wants to go into Robotics...He is sitting at your table for the rehearsal dinner.