Thursday, October 05, 2006

Friends with shadows on the wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep

So I haven't been sleeping lately. I have been reading. I am reading a horrific, surprisingly funny romantic comedy that qualifies under harlequin. I could have sworn that Harlequin novels were marked through their covers of fabio men and beautiful women, however this one came with a listing across the top as on the New York Times Best Seller list for x amount of weeks. My thoughts were that it would be a good read if it were on the best seller list. It has two scenes in it that made me look around to see if anyone was watching me read this book. Outside of those two scenes, one of which, if I had been the editor I would have cut because it has no impact on the plot, it is a very funny little novel and much like the Meg Ryan good girl movies has captivated me. I can't put it down. I read at night before I go to bed and I CAN"T GO TO SLEEP. I am up every night until midnight. This isn't so bad because I don't get up until seven, which gives me seven hours of sleep, but that is one hour too short. Each day I get one hour closer to total exhaustion and complete mental break down. You think I am kidding you. My friends call it pumpkinizing. Rae turns into a pumpkin at ten o'clock. I become an evil, ugly pumpkin that haunts people in dreams. A pumpkin that people write about in stories like Icabod Crane and the headless horseman! Oooh. Aahh...HOLY SNIKIES. This month being the month of fall and Halloween to top things off, I don't really need to add to the air. Hopefully, tonight will be the end of this monstrous affair with this book. Hopefully, all 600 pages of it will be completed in only seven days. Who would guess that I would read a book in seven days. I am the slowest reader in the world.

I need my to function....

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