Saturday, October 21, 2006

So I feel more like an Agnes Scott woman this morning than ever. I don't know if it is the black turtleneck I put on that matches the onyx in my ring, the Main Events that I recieved in the post this week or the salad I had for lunch yesterday making me feel good about myself. Or maybe it has been hanging out with Grace and talking about school and having excitement about learning.

In the Main Events there was much more about our class than normal. I don't know why that is that we are re-bonding again. We were a pretty close class for being the largest graduating class (125 people, which of course is no longer the largest class). I was reading over it with Grace the other night in awe of the women I have graduated with: Mandy married an f-15 pilot in the AirForce and is a stay at home mom; Laura has been studying public health in New Mexico while getting a masters in epidmeiology and getting married, dealing with her father's death; Bonnie composed a piece that is being played in Carnegie Hall; Michelle is in Dublin working for the bank; Anna is getting a masters, married, raising a youngin and working a full time job; Erica had a baby girl; Giselle is a recruiter for GT, while being in charge of all kinds of things; Charissa is married, raising a little girl, and being an artist; Jessica graduated from Harvard; Sarah, Dinah & Ginny are married; Le'Aqua is raising a junior olympian; Kim is establishing non-profits....THESE are the women I graduated with! They are amazing and productive and make me amazed that I was a part of them. When I asked Grace who they sounded like, she said "me." Yep, I am groomin Grace for Scott. I told her the only exceptions to the rule would be if she went to Wellesley. I told her these are your peers my dear. She loved it.

So why is it that I feel more like a Scottie than ever? I don't know. I think it was because of this mornings time of meditation. I thought what do I have that they have that would make me a part of, what can I contribute? I have something that they don't nor could they ever experience, nor do I lend so much information when it comes to print: I am recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. I am six and a half years without a drink or a drug. I am four years without a cigarette. I am fully self supporting. I have a strong belief in God that fuels me daily. I am about to marry a man who shares my spiritual beliefs. I have all new oak raised cabinets with curios shelved tops and a new stove. Only Scotties can do these things. Much like our class mascot, we are Wonder Women. I won't ever be able to print any of the grand things of my life, but I am forever tied to my alma mater. I don't know that I could say the same if I had gone to a big school. I have a fresh understanding of who I am today that I didn't have yesterday. I am a woman of Agnes Scott College. I am a graduate of the class of 1998. I wear my Agnes Scott Ring with pride and knowledge that I am worthy of it.

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