Friday, October 13, 2006

These are the days when anything goes,
Everyday is a winding road,
I get a little bit closer,

I don't generally like Sheryl Crow, but she is what is on the radio and this particular song is one of the few that show off her ability. It also is more applicable than ever. Each day I have been away from my old job the more I heal and I get closer to feeling fine. People have been telling me that they have noticed that I have been sick because I share WAY too much information instead of keeping it short and simple: KISS--keep it simple stupid or simply simple or simple silly, just depends on who you are and how badly I want to call you a name. But I have not been simple. I have been complex and extensive. Last night I was able to share, be poinant and simple. It was nice. I felt good about myself. Capable. Like I had healed a bit. It was nice. Today I feel great too because I actually got a full night's sleep which makes me feel even better. To add icing on my cake for the day, John went to pick up our new washer and dryer that Mom & Dad gave us as a wedding gift. Sorry folks, but no matter what you give me, Mom & Dad have out done you with that one. I did that to Carter once on Father's Day. Some gifts are just mind blowing *I gave Dad a Homer Hickum signed copy of Rocket Boys* and there is no attempting to give as good a gift. THANK GOODNESS for a washer/dryer. Hurray. I have never owned one before and it makes me feel like a real adult owning something so big and domestic. I will start packing this evening too. Hopefully, that will be like adding an icing yellow rose to my cake!

Everyday is a fading sun,
I get a little bit closer to feeling fine...

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