Thursday, October 12, 2006

Little ditty about Jack and Diane,
Two American kids growing up in the heartland...

Wierd things are happening to me lately. I am noticing unrighteous things such as...

I purchased my last 1/2 gallon of milk as a single person.

I am saving boxes at work to move into my fiance's home.

I am having conversations such as "We should get a Christmas Tree and put it in that corner."

These are weird things. These are not conversations or events that I have ever run across before. Not to mention, never will again. I have been really tender lately. I have a tendency to cry even when people aren't being mean to me. Michelle says that it is because of losing my job and getting ready to be married. ??? Which is it I wonder. I almost cried when I bought the milk. I have worked hard to be an independent female, capable of self support, nested well into a homey apartment with all acutraments screaming you are in my house...welcome. I am going to have to start over again accept instead of me it will be we.

Oh yeah,
Life goes on,
Long after the thrill of living is gone....

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