Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Last night was exciting. I went grocery shopping with Sherry aka Gertie Mae. She and I went to Ingles and initially I had intentions of having dinner with her family, but what ended up was that I bought ten dollars worth of things for myself and decided to have my own meal! Strangely enough, she managed to go home with some of my groceries anyway. So in exchange, I picked up her daughter, Grace from ballet. While I was waiting on Grace, I made Manwich and pasta for myself. I also paid off my movie balance and rented "Crash." Whoa, gonna watch that one again tonight. It was really really good. It punches racism right in the mouth. It was amazing. It was really good. Maybe I won't watch it tonight, I have a couple of DVD's in the pobox so I might snag them instead. Both the movie and the dinner were good though. Then I read more of my new Harry Potter book. While the rest of the world was already reading it and well into their second or third time reading it (Grace read it in 4 1/2 days the first time), my Mama got it for me and I am behind, but not as far behind as I was! I think I am going to start working out tonight....ack, I said it out loud. I have been trying to become willing to work out again. I have no reason not to any more. I am excited because I will hopefully tone up the arms and legs and maybe even lose weight, but mostly I just would like some shaping to happen. There is some unhappiness in the hips and thighs and tummy, not bad, but enough that my self esteem is crashing. I figure weights three times a week and maybe cardio five times a week ought to do the trick. I don't know how long I will make it this evening because I haven't even walked aerobically in nine months. I will be in ppppapapaaaaiainninnn tomorrow. That is the part I don't like. It's like quitting smoking: not something you want to do twice.

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