Thursday, October 20, 2005

The fastest runner in the state of Georgia lives in Clarkesville. I have seen a few runners in my time and this guy runs like he is running away from something he is going so fast. God help the police if he is a theif, becuase they will never catch him. I don't think he is though. He runs like 5 minute miles or something crazy. What is really wierd is that he looks like a bulky body builder, but he is running. I have spoken to him before and he is a triathalete....whoa bad spelling. Anyway, he is amazing. He is about my hieght, maybe shorter and is fair complected like me, but with red. It is really a strange phenomenon to be going about my business (because I walk everywhere) and have this guy come buzzing by me. The expression on his face is priceless. It looks like my brother's face when he is swimming really hard: utter determination.

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