Friday, October 28, 2005

I watched Coach Carter last night. It was a nightmare of a production. I recognize that it is a true story, but the way it was told was really bad. It acted like it was going to be a Hoosiers movie, then it wasn't. Then it tried to be a little ESPN, then it wasn't. Then it decided it needed a little MTV collage, then it wasn't. The "serious" moment where the coach was contemplating what he really wanted out of his team was late in the movie, poorly acted and overly staged. This is unusual for Samuel L. Jackson (the poorly acted comment), but my guess is that he was doing what he was paid to do and not what he is capable of doing. Very rarely do I pan a movie because I recognize that not everyone likes the movies that I like so I try to recognize the worth of the movie within its genre, for example, Scarface was a horrible movie, however within its genre it was as A grade as you get. Mostly, it was just a tragedy and I am a feel good kind of girl. But in the case of Coach Carter......ack they just offered me a real job!


Anonymous said...

Came across your birthday post, from when you turned 28... if I may say so, you have a very interesting surname.

Rae said...

My nickname comes from a woman who in college wrote on my small dry erase board while waiting on me to get ready to go out, the entire story of "Sam I Am" so I called her Sam. She made the decision to call me Rae. It is also my grandmother's nickname, however she spelled it with a "y" at the end. . .Ray. My mother, who shares both my name and my grandmother's legal name of Rachel, ended up with four brothers and was called, Sissy. I have a cousin also named Rachel, but I have no idea if she has a nickname, my guess is no.