Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I have been watching the West Wing again (imagine that!) but this time I am watching it on regular tv so I have to sit through the commercials. This episode has a side plot that is the humor for the cast about the equinox and the eggs.

It made me think of my Dad. I can remember when I was little before school on the equinox at the Avondale house, Carter, Dad and I standing eggs on their end. The surprise and excitement of seeing such an odd phenomenon in our very own home.

It was like the time that Dad discovered the spectrum created by the peep hole in the front door. Normally we didn't have a door closed between the front door and the bathroom window, but for some reason the hall door was closed and there was every color of the rainbow. It was so stunning.

Dad was always there in the morning and I was always forgetting something. One day he thought that I had come back to get some homework, which I did a lot (or my lunch or something) because my elementary school was across the street, but it wasn't me. They came back later that day when Dad left for work and took everything except for the microwave because it was too heavy and the musical instruments because they were in the front room with the big window that had the curtains drawn open. No one even saw the burgler. They must have been there a while because they tossed the entire home.

One of my Dad's favorite things to do was on St. Patrick's Day. I think we were the only kids in the world with a Dad smart enough to think of this one! Dad would turn the house upside down and say the Leprechans had been there and played a prank. We would get out of bed and the kitchen chairs would be upside down in the den or the living room on the couch or love seat. There would be stuff everywhere. Things turned around backwards. We would put everything back before we left for school. But, when we would get home from school and the house would be flipped upside down again. It was great fun discovering where everything was and what was wrong. Carter and I would go flying around the house just to see things.

My Dad is one of the best Dad's a gal could have. He gave me the type of memories that make for good stories when I talk to friends. My girlfriends Sherry and Megan think that I have the cool parents. I don't know that I can imagine them as "cool," but I can say they are probably the best. I don't know how I ended up so lucky, but I am grateful.

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