Thursday, June 02, 2005

Yesterday was kinda nuts....again. I was fired from my job, which while is a God send is also a downer. I hated my job, but I was trying desperately to do the right thing and find something before leaving and not getting fired, but whatever. Turns out that I walked right out of being fired to a interview that would be a good position for me. It was an interview for a social worker at a nursing home. Turns out the nursing home is backed by a corporate conglamorate...who would guess that one? It went well. They said they would know something by Friday. I am hopeful. She seemed to like me which is really the only way people get jobs. I called on one that I had an interview for a couple of weeks ago for the bank and the man that I interviewed with said it would be another week before he could let me know. He is trying to get some help in his IT department (yeah me, an IT guy...geeky huh? pays well enough, I don't care! Besides some of the best people I know are geeky) so the position has to be approved through all channels before he can hire me. I think he will if he can get it approved. So. . . the search drags on.

My girlfriends Sherry and Megan have been so helpful lately. In the past two days they have just held my hand and reminded me that being ugly doesn't help anything. Sounds like my Mom. I wish I could use this time to vacation, but I am not that financially secure. Luckily, I am secure enough to last my about one month before I totally collapse. I have a couple of things on the side like babysitting and house sitting that are going to allow me to make it to next month.

I read end of the preface to Matthew today and the first chapter. There are fourteen generations between Chist and David. I found it interesting that they listed the wife of David who bore Soloman as the wife of Uriah and not David's wife. Turns out that scarlet letter still brands even thousands of years later. That would be awful for someone to know four thousand years later that I am unintegrible. At least I am trying to learn to have integrity. I almost took my firing "like a man" but my emotions were too involved, so I was ugly to the people who fired me. What ever. God has given me another day to make things right. I will try better today and hopefully I am not in any lineage of importance so no one will write "she who screams when fired."


Oze said...

Well, good luck, little lady.

Like the old saying, whenever a door close, God opens a window.

You'll be alright. Remeber you have a GREAT BIG family that loves you and is there for you!

Rae said...

Thank you for your love and support!