Monday, November 08, 2004

And I thank the Lord for the people I have found,
I thank the Lord for the people I have found.

While Mona Lisas and mad hatters,
sons of bankers, sons of lawyers,
turn around and say, "good morning" to the night.
For unless they see the sky, but they can't and that is why,
they know not if it's dark outside or light.

After a long weekend of fun, I am returned to work surprisingly refreshed. I had a lot on my plate this weekend and was emotional to boot. I went to a wedding reception on Saturday, for which the bride and groom had been married for months. That was weird. It felt as though it was lacking. The bride was beautiful and the groom handsome and sweet. But I guess part of the magic of the celebration comes from the adjoining in the presence of God and they didn’t do that. They went to the courthouse two months ago and then decided they wanted a reception too. I stayed as long as I could and decided it was time for me to go. From there I went and typed up minutes for the district. I got to talk to my Mom for a while too which always makes me feel better. Saturday night I went down to Buford to here a friend of mine speak. She did well and I was glad that I went. It turns out she is a “pk” like me and so I could identify to what she had to say. She was more adventurous than I ever was, but the emotions were very similar. Sunday felt more hectic than it actually was. I did the nursery at the Church which was easy this week because they were doing catechisms. I don’t know what that means other than that we ended up with no kids most of the time. There was a point when a couple adults came into the room where the temporary nursery is (it doubles as a library while they are remodeling the other building) and was able to talk with them for a while about the different dogmas. They both made well informed decisions in choosing the church. I have always been attracted to that particular church even though it is Episcopalian. The congregation is a good cross section of people; on the more positive side, most of those I have met are educated either through life or schooling. It is nice to be with people who think like me and have similar backgrounds. I almost want to bail out on the nursery so I can attend Sunday school and big Church; however, the nursery is my Christmas fast cash. The kids are pretty easy to take care of because mostly they are all well parented. Then from there I went back to the apartment and regrouped. I left for district which was in Dahlonega. It is a long drive to get there, but this time of year it is quite beautiful. The leaves are almost gone but the mountains still maintain the quality of richness with or with out God’s paint. I hadn’t been to Dahlonega in over six months and I had forgotten about how much I loved that area. From there I went to Sautee for Iris’s first birthday party. How much fun is it to see a little girl open gifts? Everyone put the gifts in bags which is her favorite thing to do (take things out of bags is her thing) so although she didn’t notice the gifts, she totally enjoyed herself. Some of the gifts were practical (diapers, clothes, baby shampoo, etc). Others were great fun and ridiculous perfect for the girl. It was a nice ending to a fast paced day. I went from there to regroup and took shelter for the evening. I went to the meeting in Clarkesville and headed for quiet time in the apartment with candles and my book. It was good closure for the day. I slept so hard last night that I almost didn’t make it this morning when the alarm went off. I have had a hard time wanting to come to work lately and am not happy with the people I work with or the job in general. It gets worse on a daily basis. I am trying to do my best though and that is all that is required of me. I am looking forward to going home for Thanksgiving. It will be five days off which will be perfect vacation time at home with the folks. It is like getting my batteries recharged when I go home and I haven’t done it in a long time. Hopefully this week will be more….less intense than last week. Hopefully, things will trot along in stride like they are supposed too.

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