Tuesday, November 25, 2003

one club
two clubs
five clubs
clubs it is

Man, I had no idea how confusing learning to play bridge really is. The whole idea
behind the bidding is like a second language. In all reality when say two no trumps, I am saying have twenty points!! It's crosstalk in another language. I have played against cross talk for so long that I am having to re-learn how to talk. It's aweful. My partner is trying to tell me to play clubs and I am saying I have a hand full of Aces. I did pretty well last night though I came in fourth place. First place was 2600 points. Second was a tie at 2540 and I was fourth with 2400. I had some really good partners who forced me to bid and play. I only went down once. That's pretty good, all things considered. The other cool thing was that I had a friend join this week. He is pretty good at the whole bridge thing and appropriately his nick name is Deck. He is also a genius if you ask me. He reminds me of my brother except that he's not. We had a good time last night. All the old ladies just coo-ed over him because he is young and already knew how to play.

My aerobics instructor is so awesome. Her name is Barbra and she is beautiful, teaches aerobics, cheerleading, has two kids and is engaged on her second marriage to a dutiful city official, not to mention keeps three homes and is renovating one of them all on her own. Can you imagine doing all that and being beautiful to boot? I think I want to grow up to be like her.....or at least my perception of her. Although instead of coaching cheerleading, I would rather be a swim coach or something. Maybe a little kids piano teacher like my mom. I can only keep up with her about seventy percent of the time. The rest of the time I am lost in routine or getting water or stumbling because I am so tired.

Mondays are so packed for me. I like it though. It makes me feel really alive when I go and do so much. The only thing is usually Tuesdays are kind of a catch up day, but tonight I have a turkey dinner to go to so I will be out on the town again tonight. Tonight is one of my favorite events because it is like a kick off for football season, but instead it is the kick off for the holidays and I am all about the holidays. I am slowly but surely booking dates up in December. More likely than not there won't be a whole lot of room for much other than enjoying the love and laughter of friends. ahh........if you haven't got a hay-penny then God Bless You!

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