Wednesday, November 12, 2003

¿Que es su nombre?

So a last minute squeeze play was pulled on me today by a co-worker who figured out I could speak español! Trying to speak medicine and spanish is really complicated. Thank goodness for the internet. There is a terrific on-line dictionary and translator(for when I really got stuck). Who knew that Spanish would ever come in handy. What is really strange is for the amount of schooling I have had, I can't speak a lick unless put in a position where I have no other choice. Then it is like magic. My tongue gets going and my mind quits thinking and then íHablo español! It's amazing how that works. The only other time my Spanish ever really came in handy was in the kitchen at OutBack. The men on the back line were all Hispanic and they'd stop talking when I came around, because they knew I understood them. They also would do anything I asked them because I spoke to them in their language. People thought I was crazy, which they are right, but it was an efficient tool when you need a thunder on the fly. Yeah, spanish and restaurant was just as strange as medicine and spanish. I am very grateful I didn't have to use button factory and spanish!! Ugh! What a confusion that would be! I guess six years of schooling paid off in a little bit of education. I have been told that education is the memory tank you are left with after you leave the learning environment. I guess that means that I am spanish educated because I remember bits of it. I really get a kick out of the fact that my mom learned her numbers in spanish from Maria on Seasame Street! Go Mom! For me, I like best when my brain switches into overdrive and the spanish mode takes over. It is like shifting gears. Amazing how this crazy think tank attached to my shoulder works sometimes.

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