Wednesday, November 15, 2006

We are hand in hand,
The wizard and I!

It occurs to me that I haven't said too much about living on a farm. The farm is how John and I refer to our home. Papa Bud & Mama Jean aka Albert and Martha Taylor, who own the farm refer to it as the Honey House because Papa Bud used to make honey in the barn. There are approximately 80 acres that the farm sit on. These acres house the farm house built in 1845, the barn that was built after that, about 32 hefers, 16 calves, 1 bull, 1 horse, 1 donkey and two dogs. There is a joke that Papa Bud names the cows. He does, actually name the cows, however John doesn't know their names so he calls them hamburger, ribeye and new york--strip for short. They are beef cows. There are two ways for the cows to make it off the farm, first, they can be a bull or they can be mean. If the calfs are not broken of their tempermant then they go off the farm. No mean cows here. Nope. There is one other way, now that I think about it, they can be old. Otherwise they stay on the farm. The horse is John's and although the horse, Legend, is 23, he is healthy. The vet said he will live to be 40. Who knew that horses lived that long? The bull is an interesting creature. He is not easily excited, unless he smells rye or pumpernickle bread. He will eat your arm for rye and pumpernickle bread. The jack ass is for purely working reasons. An unfortunate side effect of living in the middle of a pasture is coyotes. The Jack Ass is allergic to dogs. By this I mean he will stomp a dog. He has no use for them. Every once in a while Red Dog will get too close to him and get kicked, but as a result, no coyotes bother the heard. In case you are curious coyotes is pronounced KI-yot-s. Not ki-yot-ees. No such thing. The two dogs are Red Dog and Baby. Red Dog is a sooner dog. The sooner dead the better. He is a tough mix of hound and charpee. When he barks, the bark is so lound in his head that he barks and shakes the ringing out of his ears. Wooooof shake. Wooof shake. It is very funny to watch. He is a very old dog. Every day John and I come home expecting him dead. He has been shot three or four times through his back hind leg when he wanders off the property. It is amazing he is alive. Then there is Baby. Baby is a black and white austrailian sheperd, a cattle dog. Her favorite thing in the whole world is to out wit cows and swing from their tails. However she is a naughty dog and has gone off and gotten knocked up. She will be having puppies around the new year. She is the smartest dog I have ever dealt with as far as dogs go. She heals, sits and all for a little loving. Amazing.

The farm is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It is completely surrounded by National Forrest. There is nothing but God's beauty in 360 degrees. Amazing. I love living here.

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