Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I couldn't be happier....
Right dear?
I couln't be happier...
Right here!

I have come to find that there is only one reason for a farm: work. If it ain't working, it ain't a farm. The cows work. The dogs work. The house works. The people who live in the farm house work. The clothes that we choose have to work. There is something about the farm that makes me feel like I am in the right place. I guess it is because I have a role to play. I am a part of something that is useful and productive just by living. I feed and water cows and dogs. I pay bills. I cook and clean. I play outside to train the dogs. I walk the pasture with John to count cows (if one's missing, well, something is just wrong). I am part of and useful. If for some reason something is not working, like a cow, then something is wrong. It is of no use and it is no longer a part of the farm: cow goes to market or is buried. Hopefully, that won't happen to me. There is something fulfilling about being a part of a farm. Well, being a part of anything really. It makes me feel good inside. I recognize this is more about God than anything. When I am full, generally I am connected with God. In this crazy marriage that is completely based in the Holy Spirit, I recognize that the contentment comes with that primary basis. I wouldn't feel so good without it. Sundays have a part at this farm too. They are the day we go to church, and to be frank, I think the farm knows that is what Sunday is.

This new life that I am living, is working into me. It is working into my heart.

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