Saturday, November 04, 2006

For the first time in a while, John and I had a real date. One of those dates where you go out to eat and are happy, joyous and free. You know, he's funny and you are beautiful and all is right in the world? Neither of us were stressed or tired or haggard. We were easy going, happy, fun to be with people. We had stories and interesting tid bits about each other to share openly without fear. It felt like when we were first dating. You'd never know we were married. Or better yet, you'd never know that we had just gone through the wedding of the century. We held hands, prayed over dinner, and laughed at key moments and told jokes that went over our waitress's head (she was a bottle blonde, what do you expect?). Then we went to Wally World afterwords where I bought 70 Thank You notes and he thought it was too many (Little Does He Know...) a Tide Pin to get out the marinara stains from dinner and memory foam for our bed. Oh...memory foam...softness....I can't remember having that good of a date in at least six months, maybe more. The memory foam was the icing on the cake for a good night with my husband.

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