Tuesday, August 01, 2006

There are several types of people out there.

There are earth people, example: Carter, Kent, Sarah, James, Chrissie. Normal everyday people who live, play, work, love in this world. Then there are moon people. They are people who think the earth possesses abilities and everything has a meaning: example, I went to a moon woman party and they were so excited to go to this woman's house because it was located over the largest piece of blue crystal in the world. Sometimes I wonder if these people are anywhere close to being on this planet. At this same party I went to, there was a big dinner where everyone brought something (vegetarian of course). Also, the women went around in a circle discussing what their totems were. I have no idea what a totem is, but they explained it to me like this: it is the animal that you see the most of but is the rarest. The animal you connect with inside. At the time I thought "To the Moon, Alice" but the question has always stuck with me. What animal do I see the most and the least that connects with my insides. Today I went into a sign shop to drop off signs and there it was again. It was huge, but it is the same animal I see the most and the least that connects with my insides: a wolf. Where have I seen a wolf before you ask? The first sighting of a wolf was when I lived in Sautee. There on the road that leads to the wild of Trey Mountain was a great white wolf. It was beautiful. I saw it a second time a few days after that with a woman who looked like she was from Trey Mountain too standing at its side. She almost made me have a wreck she was so striking with that wolf next to her. The second time I saw a wolf was when I was moving my friend Christine from location a to location b and her neighbor's "dog" was no dog. It was half wolf. The paws were the size of tires. HUGE. The lengthy way it stepped. All wolf. Unfortunately, I was outside by myself and went running indoors (because it was a little too close for comfort) and Christine confirmed its wolf origins. The third time I saw a wolf, Iris and I went over to Helen to hang out with Tony. On our way home, she was screaming for her bottle so I pulled into the Helen Presbyterian Church Parking lot and stopped to find it. Woof. It said. I gave Iris the bottle and turned around to see where it was coming from....Wolf it was really saying. Slowly, I walked around the car to the other side and waited to open the door. Woof it said. In the car I went. Today in the sign shop. Lubme, it said. No question about that dog, all wolf. Huge dog. Totally domesticated. 1/2 Wolf, 1/2 Malamute. Big Dog. So what is my totem? Six years later, I think it is a wolf. Does that make me a moon person? No. I am a woman in the third type of people. I am those with no name. I am a spirit person. We are crazy as a loon and sober as a judge, but today, I have a moon beam in my hair.

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