Friday, August 18, 2006

Oh where oh where has my Rachel gone? Oh where, oh where could she be?

I made an effort to dissappear last night into movies. Turns out that is impossible. Watched a comedy thing that is called the Aristocrats. Yeah, now I know why the lady bagged my movies. It was a documentary on one joke. At first I thought, hmm, how are they going to get two hours out of one joke? Yeah, it was that bad. I turned it off. The really bad part was that it that the joke is not funny. I kept thinking there was a hitch. Nope, just a bad movie. It has been a while since I have had one of those. The other movie was called BRICK. I didn't finish it, but it was well written flick with lots of good young actors who are mostly in transition as far as what part to play. They are too old to be teenagers and too young to be adults. It seemed good so far. I had to go to bed though. Lack of sleep leads to lack of power and that is a dilemma. I think I am going to try to disappear again tonight. I am just not up for dealing with the world today. I am actually really tired (did I mention that I went to bed?not only that I went to bed on time?). I am still tired. Time to bail out on work and go to a business expo (more work, but awake work) because it is next to my house and that means when I am done with the expo I can get home faster! Zip...I'm gone.

Countdown: 71 days

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