Monday, May 01, 2006


Sometimes weekends are great and then other times they just don't quite do it for me. This weekend was a pretty great weekend up until I had to go to sleep last night. My head shifted into work gear and I couldn't sleep worth anything. Not to mention my hand. I don't know what I have done, but it HURTS. I am going to the doctor tomorrow.

I am nervous, nervous, nervous....At this point though, I am of no consequence. There is nothing left to cover or order or try to get together. There is nothing left to create or call or place ads with. It is done. I have spent about $10,000 and hopefully it will go with or without me. Can you imagine spending $10K? And I don't even get a car or a house or anything tangible. I only get an event. Crazy. Expensive.

I wrote my first speech ever. I watched West Wing all day yesterday for preparation because Toby & Sam are my heroes. Not to mention the real writer, Aaron Sorikin. Mastermind. Yeah, my speech is less than two minutes and is for the mayor to the governor so it is not substantial, but effective. I don't even get to go because I wasn't invited. Bltp. But I was thinking and thinking and thinking and worried about nothing. Of course.

I got right to the edge of my weekend. It was good, great even. I cleaned out my closet (which I haven't done in almost ten years). I cleaned out my car (a month). I paid my bills. I helped friends, hung out with friends. I slept in for the first time in over a month. I went to church. I ate breakfast with my future son-in-laws (one of which has no suit to wear to the wedding because his last one was when he was six feet and he is now six six! omg). I was totally rested, ready for the world, but no. My head gave way. The wheels started early. I am exhausted all over again and my hand hurts. No I don't know why my hand hurts.

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