Thursday, May 18, 2006



It is official. Not that every person I know hasn't told me all my life, "Oh Rae you are so good with kids. You are going to make a great Mom." "Oh, Rae you were born to be a wife with a truckload of children." Yes, yes, I know.

Give me a chevrolet Suburbun I say.

Here, here, they say.

Give me a laundry room! I say.

Here, Here, they say.

Give me soccer games and dance recitals. Give me violin lessons and trumpet lessons. Give me choral concerts and academic bowls. Give me church mission trips and carwashes to support. Give me the corporate parties and babysitters.


(Roar from crowd)

I can do it. I can raise great children. I can raise a great family. I can be everything I think I can as a wife and a mother and a best friend. I can be intelligent and opinionated. I can be a taxi cab driver for here to there with ten kids and listen to good music or the news at the same time. I can do it. Clean the house. Do the laundry. Hold a full time job. Have kids. Have a husband. I too can be the wonderwoman of the new millennium!

Here! Here! Hurrah!!!!! (Crowd noise and great applause by women in the audience with their 1950's aprons and rolling pins over their corporate suits , heels and diamond rings!)

Yeah, I ironed my first shirt of his last night and did a great job. Never done that before (ironing not great job), didn't know it was going to do all this to me. Guess I am in for it now. Little Miss Homemaker. Who would guess? Not me. But always me. Meg says that every girl waits for her wedding day. I thought she was full of it. I can remember girls in college picking out everything for their weddings. I never bought a single magazine. I still don't know all the details (but have bought magazines). But Meg is right, which is why she is my hero. I now understand why every girl looks forward to the wedding day. It is a wonderful sensation.

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