Tuesday, January 24, 2006

$50,000: Ten Days

Standings: Day 7

53 Solicitations
and a newspaper ad
and a mass mailer
and an article in the paper

$6,140.00 "In Kind"

$18,150.00 Monetary

Lotsa Let you knows. . .

Had a big meeting with a railroad company today. It was not a solicitation and took up a lot of my time, but it was worth it. It gave me information for my program and so hope about increasing the economy around here. Economic restructuring is a part of my job. Thank goodness we have opportunities. I think that the 30th and the 31rst are going to be big days for me because I am asking people to call me by the end of the month. I think I will have to include those two days as epilogue days. February will be recalling the money month. I also have several BIG grants that are out there in grant land that will be a minimum of six weeks before I hear an answer. I am really tired today. I have a regional meeting tomorrow so there will be no soliciting tomorrow, however I did book my radio interview for tomorrow. I am ready for some cash ins with my lechano's.

Movies: Watched the Exocism of Emily Rose. I think it would make an excellent play and that the movie was soso. The court drama was too slow contrasting the exocism. So it came across as fast fast fast, hiccup. . .pause, fast, fast, fast. Which doesn't really do well for me. I give it a C. Tonight I have Four Brothers. I don't expect a lot other than Mark Walburg taking his shirt off at least once, which is enough to rent the movie.

Sports: Need to go running. I am one workout behind again. I thought there would be a gym at the hotel in Macon this weekend and they were renovating. Blpt. I could have gone on Sunday when I got back however, I was out of steam. Today I want to go running or walking or something, but I feel icky and would rather escape into a movie. I think that the pledge drive is driving me into the ground.

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