Wednesday, January 18, 2006

$50,000: 10 Days

Standings: Day 3

31 Solicitations
and a newspaper ad

$5,5350.00 "In Kind"

$15,500.00 Monetary

4 "Let you knows"

Am on a slow day due to production of the mass mailer: 2270 Addresses from the water bill listings. That will dramatically increase my pledging solicitations. Ad in the paper went out yesterday. That reaches all of the county and was strategically placed in the community section, which I am not sure how to calculate that as a solicitation so it is added as an "and a." Radio spot will be in the same loop.

Going this afternoon to meet with an inkind donor who will hopefully become a fuji apple monetarily (500).

In other areas of the life:

I am back on track with three days a week. I had a make up for last week. I missed Saturday last week so I ran on Monday. I swam this morning and will be running (well I say run, but I should explain that I run half walk half because I HATE to run: sorry Sarah. One of the points I admire you on because it is not a trait I possess) this evening. Then I will run/walk tomorrow and go to Macon on Friday. Oof.

"City of God" rocks. It is not for the faint hearted though, nor is about God. It is violent, vulgar, graphic and a foreign film. I didn't realize it was going to be a subtitle film. I am not a subtitle kind of gal usually. It is filmed and about Brazil. It is amazing. The directing was great. The cinematography was great. The plot was based on a true story and surreal. I didn't watch the special sections yet, but will. Totally worth the dime. Completely understand why it never showed its face in the US though.
"Hide & Seek" was really well done and disturbing. Shot well. Acted well. Scary as hell. Mom says to watch the four alternate endings that are on the dvd, but Idaknow. I like the way it is as is. Guess I will anyway. Alternate ending freak me out. There is a constant stream of thought that branches out at the end and is confusing. Idaknow.

In the book of Luke: Christ scared the country folk again by casting the demons, Legion, out into the swine. Can't say that wouldn't freak me out too if I saw something like that. Although I am more apt to believe in someone's experience of what God has done in their life than I would of some guy coming along and scaring the "demons" away. It is a story that I still believe is not for the humans. It is an accidental glimpse of the undercurrent of the world in which we live. Don't know that it was meant for us to understand or even attempt to analyze, disect, manipulate or should pretend to comprehend. It is an interesting rejection of Christ though.

I should blog like this more often. Compartmentalization. I like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is a fugi apple????