Wednesday, July 27, 2005

WOOOHOO!! Work's got a computer and I am back in blogging business!!

Megan took all of her tests and passed for the Art Institute! Go Megan!! Now they still are in process of financial aide (bleck). I am emergency babysitting for Iris tonight. That is a good thing. I am excited. I miss Iris bunches and bunches. Talked with Iris's Dad yesterday and Iris might join the party on Saturday night so she can meet my Mom and Dad. He didn't commit to it, but he said he would think about it, which is code for if Iris feels like it!

Today I went to lunch with my new boss lady who shall be named, Dr. W. because she is short her doctorate by a disertation, at the local "Market Cafe" which is delectable beyond reason. Today they had a sign up that said "ask about our icecream cake" so I asked about the ice cream cake. WOW. . . It was a coffee and cream with chocolate mixed in covered in chocolate drizzle and lined with an oreo crust. It was THE BIGGEST piece of ice cream I have ever been served. I swear they cut me a quarter of the cake. It is the first time in my life that I can say, I didn't finish my ice cream. It was unbelievable.

Dog sitting is getting boring, but I am getting attached to the dogs. My allergies are vicious because of the cats that are living with the dogs. Unfortunately, my sneezles set in right as I wake up which means I am a big snotty nose until about mid-day. But I the dogs are the best dogs ever!

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