Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is my kitchen window. Carter likes to hear stories about farm life. He is a big city kid/man so life on a farm is something he has only read about in books and maybe a bit in my blog. I haven't ever been a real photographer per se. Mostly Carter and my Dad take photos, but today I went out and took some. I have a standard digital point and shoot, nothing fancy, but finally compatible for computer. (Thanks Mom and Dad, btw.) I like this picture because it tells about the simplicity of farm life. Generally speaking, living on a farm and not being the farmer means living a very humble life. The farmer is pretty humble for that matter, but it is apparent that he doesn't have to be, he just always has been. This little flower was cut last Thursday. It was then stuck into an arrangement for church. From there, on Tuesday night, I snagged it out of the arrangement along with all the roses. The roses are almost gone, and were almost gone when I pulled them out for that matter, but this little snap dragon keeps on being beautiful. The bottle is something I picked up at Gertie Mae's when I lived at the Clarkesville apartment and have used ever since. It is an olive oil bottle. I think it is trendy. The thing about living on a farm is that the little things get noticed. I realized after being in a big house one day, there is no way to appreciate the little things, because everything was so big. I think I would rather stay in this old farm house and maybe fix it up or add a room and a porch than to buy a big house. Although, I may not have a choice one day due to not being the farmer. Its the simple things that I like about farm life.

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