Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Could you drop everything in your life on the promise of a stranger that there is a better way to live your life?

I watched this woman walk away from life as she knew it today. Everything in her world that she had ever experienced just went out the window. She called me in a panic. Her boyfriend was screaming at her at the top of his lungs. She was "jones-in" for dope. I told her to start walking, there is a better life over here. She grabbed her purse and cigarettes and did just that. Walked out on her life.

Can you imagine?

It is like something out of a movie.

I have done that before. I wasn't conscious that was what I was doing, but I have done that before. I didn't know what was wrong with me, all I knew is that it couldn't get any worse. I was willing to do what anyone told me to, know matter how much I didn't like it or didn't want to. Then, I came to. I was stuck in a place that wouldn't let me out. I had a roommate whose name was Beatrice, who told me to call her Beelzebub and was paranoid schizophrenic.

At that point, the resistance set in.

I don't know if this gal will experience resistance or not, but today she was willing to go to any lengths to change her life. I was full of awe. It makes me realize now that I am so far away from my moment of clarity. It made me recognize the resistance that I have today. She showed me where I came from and where I'll go to if I fail to enlarge my spiritual life. It made me remember that I don't ever have to go back to the place she was in and I have been. It made me see the peace and ease with which God has given me as a way to live today. I don't ever have to crave anything. I don't ever have to obsess over anything. I don't have have to loathe myself or others. I don't have to use anything to change the way I feel. I know the manner of living which guarantees a joyful life. I know that God is ever present and awaiting for me to ask for His help.

God Help Me. God Help Her.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things that I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

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