Monday, March 03, 2008

You've got your ball,
You've got your chain,
Tied to me tight tie to me up again,
Whose got their claws in you my friend,
Into your heart, heart beat again
Sweet like candy to my soul,
Sweet you rock,
Sweet you roll,
Lost for you, I'm so lost for you
You come crash into me,

This weekend was perfectly lovely. No thinking, no doing, no nothing. Just like I like it after a mind meld of a week. It was me and my hubby doin nothin. At one point I went outside to the cow park to see what exactly that man of mine might be up to and I found him driving his truck around aimlessly among the cows. When I asked him what on earth he was doin, he said goofin off. Nothin. He was doin nothin.

My head was cold mush by the time it was all said and done. Today at school I was completely in detach mode. I was doing what it is you do when you go to school, but I wasn't really there. It was odd. I had people come and sit with me in between classes who I know and are in class with me, but they don't sit with me. But today, they sat with me. And called me darlin. Gotta love those military men. I didn't have the heart to tell them I had step children older than them. Hell, I've got step children older than me. But what the hay, when is the last time a young man thought me young enough to be so general with me? See, I am totally disconnected. In any other day other than today, I would have made him feel about the size of a pea.

Thank goodness that my morning meditation was on acceptance of self. The concept that we are right where we are supposed to be. So today my disconnectedness is all part of the grand plan. I am me. After long periods of emotionally taxing days sequentially, I disconnect. That is not such a bad thing. I think it is a coping mechanizm. It makes me feel like I am swimming.

Oh no,no,no...see the wave come crash into me...crash into me.

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