Saturday, September 03, 2005

Look she's over there at Wandering Jules, no wait she's at Gertie Mae's...maybe Baron York, nope she's at Manna.....

Yes that's right, I haved earned a new title: Go to girl.

I am working for four businesses on the square who are downstairs, next door around the corner and behind the corner. Everything is within walking distance (screw the oil producers) and everything provides my needs. I start at Baron York who I get lunch and take home desserts for dinner; go to Jules to get my evening outfit, then to GM's for fresh flowers and Manna for take home dinner, where I can have dinner with my boyfriend in my cozy apartment on the square for a comfy date. Ho-hum such a hard life.

There are several benefit ideas floating around for the Katrina victims. I am not sure what will materialize, but I am sure it will be great and helpful. It should be interesting.

I am going to play with Sebass and Megan this evening. I think we are bonfiring out at the farm. It will be fun no matter what. Anything with Megan is fun. She is cranking in art school and I am totally jealous. It is inspirational though. Motivating I think is the right word. Hurray, a day off tomorrow.

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