Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I watched the Star Wars trilogy last night. The old Star Wars. Unfortunately, it was new to me because graphically all kinds of things were altered and scenes were added and wierd. It made me realize why I watched them and listened to the music all my life. It is a great story. Some of the things that I didn't realize (probably because I have always seen it from a child's perspective instead an adult's) is that the Jedi's are the equivalents of priests and the Force is God and the whole thing is a religion of sorts. The idea is that only the chosen have the powers, but everyone believes and Luke and Anakin are the two whose spiritual journey the focus of the story is. Never could get that before now. Anyway, the Ewoks are still the coolest creature written out of all of them. It was strange that they were the only ones other than the humans who showed grief for loss during battle. Guess it is due to the whole clone thing. I still haven't seen the third new Star Wars. One of the scenes made by Leah and Luke was regarding their mother and I wonder if she dies in child birth or if Leah really does get to spend time with her prior to death or if it was one of the stand ins they use for her or what really happens. I also found it interesting that Jedi's are not supposed to love, yet the connection between father and son was one of love and one powerful enough to overcome the dark side of the force so why not love?

In other news, my apartment is CLEAN. Not oh, look I did my laundry or oh, look I vaccumed, rather it is so clean that you could eat off the floor. My art stuff is put away, my clothes are laundered, my closet is organized, my bookcase organized, my pictures dusted and adjusted, my kitchen table cleared, my dishes washed, my rug vaccumed, my dresser straightened, my hardwoods swept, my toilet and tub scrubbed, I MEAN CLEAN. I haven't had time in a while to do those things and needless to say there was a call for it like nothing ever called for except when I was sixteen and there was no floor insight because all my clothes covered the floor from my bathroom to the hallway. I still have my linen closet to work on and my dresser drawers to work on too. I could do a better job on two shelves in my closet too. It will get done though. probably by Saturday. Once I get going, I just don't stop.

I love this song: It Never Entered My Mind, performed by Miles Davis. It makes me want to be in my apartment reading with warm lighting, maybe a candle and someone making hot tea in the next room and perhaps reading somewhere close by and totally in love with each other.

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