Friday, January 28, 2005

Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart
How the music can free her, whenever it starts
And it's magic, if the music is groovy

This morning I went down into the twenty-five degree cold to warm my car up. I opened the door, sat sideways, seperated my keys from keyless entry button and cranked my car. Little to my decaffeinated brain did I remember that I was last playing my new John Williams CD in it REALLY LOUDLY. The car cranked and and the ochestral theme of "Super Man" came blaring out of my speakers. My first thought was: oh no, my car in mid-flight! I must have really believed this because I pulled the emergency brake while my heart about beat right out of my chest!

Yeah, I was laughing all the way back up the stairs to my apartment at my startledness.

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