Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sometimes I forget why I like the actors/tresses I like. Then I see a movie with them in it and go, oh yeah, only that part could be played by that person. That has happened to me two times in two movies in two days. My youngest step son gave me a movie for Christmas. What more could a step-mom ask for than a child who pays attention? He gave me Kingdom of Heaven. I have actually only seen this movie once in the theatre prior to watching it last night at home. In the theatre I thought it was pretty good. A-. Last night, I realized that this was the part Orlando was cut for. His constant fame of Pirates has made me forget why I liked him in the first place. Turns out the reason I liked him was that prior to Pirates, he could act. I mean convey emotions and lines without ever saying a word. That is acting. He does a lot of that in Kingdom. His character does not say much however when it does the lines are penetraing and the acting is fierce. Do I think the director almost killed the film with the length? Yes. Do I think that Orlando played his part well. Yes. Then the second movie is The Illusionist. I am a bit behind on current movies which is totally out of character for me, but I have been getting married lately so give me a break. Anyway, I don't know when this movie came out on the big screen, but it is great. Solid A. It has good special effects, a constant wanting for more of the plot without being pretentious and a great love story. Who could ask for more? The part that I like best is why I like Edward Norton. I love Edward Norton. I have liked him since he walked on the scene with Primal Fear. Gosh he's good. Kind of like Kevin Spacy and John Malcovich. Just a great actor. He makes Orlando look like a novice. The movie was amazing. The music was good, the timing just right and the cast well done. Gosh I love Edward Norton. He terrifys me and makes me want to fall in love with him. Awesome. I am so glad I am catching up on my movies.

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