Thursday, January 11, 2007

OKAY! OKAY! OKAY! I GET IT! I was a horrible daughter to sort of, kind of, not tell the truth about how much homework I really had! Maybe not a horrible daughter, but a real pain in the neck. I can't believe the sins of the daughter are revisited on her by her girlfriend's kid. How is that possible? Grace had typed notes that had to be turned in tomorrow and she has known all week about it. How do I know that she has known all week? It is on her agenda that they send home at the end and beginning of every week. Craig went out of town as planned and they needed a computer. John let them borrow the home computer and for no apparent reason I am the one up at eleven o'clock at night after just packing up the computer and printer to ride home for twenty minutes to my house. Grace is asleep by now. This is what I get for saying sure, you have a few notes to type up, no problem. A FEW NOTES? It was four pages long, single spaced! On Dickens no less. DICKENS. That is hard stuff for a twelve year old especially when she is wicked smart like Grace. She has sentence structure that would embarass freshman at UGA. There are no such things as notes to her. All at once as I was printing up the notes and Sherry and Craig, who came home at the end of the process, were desperately looking for paper to print on and all I could think was of being up at two in the morning with my Dad trying without succeeding to finish a social science project when I would never make an A. But it wasn't two in the morning, I am here at home by midnight blogging about child hood flashbacks that could righteously be construed as nightmares for my parents. Thank goodness for it only being notes. Thank goodness it is not quite midnight. Thank goodness I am no longer twelve. Thank goodness. Just thank goodnes...

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