Friday, July 14, 2006


Today I actually get an afternoon off AND an evening off. I have had to work two different evenings this past week and a super early morning meeting which means that I have hit my limit on working. About five years ago I passed out on the job due to working so much. It was suggested that I not work over forty hours any more by a therapist and a medical doctor. I have worked about sixty hours this week if I stay until five. I am not willing to stay until five. I have a package at the post office that is too large for my box and a Sweetwater coffee that is calling my name.

My Mom tells me all the time that I am adopted because of the wierd things I have started eating. People have always told me that when I grow up my taste buds would change. Mom didn't know that I would change to obscure instead of normal. Things that make me adopted: horse radish, artichoke hearts, sushi, saurkraut, pelligrino, tuna tar-tar, hummus & pita bread. I am sure there will be more as life goes on. Today I am going to have a double shot of espresso with french vanilla and mocha flavoring and steamed milk. That one should be on the list for adoption, guess is Mom & Dad have never had a double mocha or a caramel macchiato.

1 comment:

Dr. G. said...

Um, no expresso but I have had caramel frappachino at Starbucks. Does that count:)

Definitely, adopted. I wonder if I had any children...
