Saturday, July 15, 2006

I got rhythm, I got music, I got my gal....

Shopping is such a good remedy for stress. I didn't know that I was going shopping yesterday, but I ended up going shopping. I didn't know I was going shopping for myself yesterday, but I ended up going shopping for myself. It started as an expedition to get John a shooting shirt for his big hunting trip in Argentina next week. He needed a new shirt and those silk long underwear that the lady at the hunting store called underarmor. I am not sure that it is real armour, although I would love for John to have on armor at all times when handling weapons, but none the less that is its name. We are going to the Bass Pro Shop today because we never found the underarmor. Just as a suggestion, if anyone ever wants to get something very masqueline for any gift, go to one od these stores. I have never seen so much testosterone in one place and in so many consumer gift ideas. At that point we were off to Mori Luggage and gifts for a passport thing that you wear under the clothing. Yeah, Mori luggage and gifts was at the outlet mall! Hurray! I went into Liz Clairborne...good style, but nothing was quite the right colors. Went into Antenedidni Vensidneidsi (yeah that's me and my italian), but everything was $200 and up in an OUTLET mall. BIG SIGN. From there I stumbled into Coldwater Creek...not quite forty yet. FINALLY Jones New York. I couldn't stop picking things up. They had all kinds of things in my signature color (for those of you who are wondering, that would be a baby or powder blue, it matches my eyes. If I could have a wedding dress in that color, I would, however Queen Victoria set the standard to be white so I am wearing white.) Yes. I spent money. Yes I still have enough to put in my savings account and buy other assundried things for my life. Yes I want to wear all the items I bought at one time. No they do not match if I wear them all at the same time and it being 97 degrees outside, makes it a bit warm. By the time I was done shopping, I was tickled to find I was completely de-stressed and back to my faith holding, God is going to take care of me, care free self. John and I ate at the Attic and while I waited in line, John went to meet a new possible tenant for one of the properties he managed and I was able to tackle the great questionarre herself Mrs. Kahle's letter. There were a total of fifteen questions that I answered from her most recent letter in twelve of them. I used my way so cool stationary I bought in NH that is WW officianado. The ladies at the restarant were stunned and amazed to find out how long the letter was. From there it was off to the Pirates of the Carribean (John's favorite movie ever and tickled that there was a new one), which was great fun. I love Disney. They are one of the few places that make dreams come true. Do you remember the Swiss Family Robinson house? It was ingenious. That is the way the stunts and coordination of the events went in this movie. I had no idea I was in the theater for two hours and forty minutes until I got out an looked at a clock. My favorite is the sword play on the wheel while the chest is being stolen by two pirates chased by Elizabeth crossing the wheel going in the opposite direction only to find the evil pirates to show up. Such a wonderful huh?what?oh no! Run! scene. Go Disney Go. I will see it again and I will buy the trilogy on DVD.

Today I woke up in such a refreshed feeling, knowing there was nothing to do. I put on my new powder blue clam diggers and one of my new shirts. I look forward to a sweetwater coffe in a short while along with a good book and perhaps another movie that I have rented back at the homestead. Tomorrow, church, breakfast with the boys and Carter's play. Who could ask for anything more?

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