Thursday, February 02, 2006

Out of $50,000 I have already begun recieving the checks in the mail. I expected people to say, "We'll give you a grand" then mail the check a month later, however that isn't the case. Each day brings another check or volunteer or in kind donation. It is amazing. Sometimes I set out to do things and just don't think it will happen but I do them anyway. It alwasy amazes me when it happens. I will start in on the letchanos this week. That way they won't get away.

I am sore all over. The woman I swim with and I have started strengthening training. So far that means that I am either in the gym or in the pool everyday this week. I think on Saturday I will super sleep. She has taught me all kinds of things I didn't know such as the reason athletes drink so much water is to flush the toxins out of their muscles (lactic acid and such). More water. More water. Can't drink enough water.

Movies, movies, movies. . .watched the Accused with Jodie Foster. She is one of the best in the business. Kelly McGillis is so out acted in that movie. Horrible but great movie. About a Boy is so good hearted. I think one of the reasons Hugh Grant is still in the movie industry is that the movies he chooses are generally good hearted loving movies even if he isn't the good guy (Bridget Jones). Saw Glory Road with Grace and Cooper. They thought it was great and made quite the observation that it was similar to Remember the Titans. Funny how obvious things are noticed. Saw Half Light with Demi Moore. Excellent thriller. Can't figure out why I have never heard of it other than it might be a British film. It is really decent. Saw a couple more, but am going to the Post Office and it is almost five. YES I watch a lot of movies. There is no question.

Christ is hanging out with Martha and Mary. He is so cool.

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