Thursday, February 16, 2006

I am a coffee drinker. When I say that please keep in mind my slight ability to be on the extreme of everything. I like coffee means that I don't go a day with out at least having some coffee, preferably in an oversized mug that has four cups for every one cup for a normal cup. I make half a pot every morning to get going to work and then I drink all of it. If someone else is on their way over for morning coffee (yes, sometimes I have morning visitors) then I make a whole pot and get resentful when I don't get enough. Typically, I have coffee in the afternoon as well, either via a coffee shop or some crummy gas station that has it hot but not totally burnt out. Crummy gas stations with fresh, hot coffee are hard to find, unless you live in as rural a place as I do!

My favorite place in the whole world is the coffee shop. No one understands the facination. I don't like just any coffee shop nor do I like just any coffee. I like the shade grown Song Bird (appropriately named for my tune) Costa Rican blend. I like it in a whole bean form so that I can maintain the freshness through out the life of the pound of coffee. When I order coffee, I don't know what I want. I walk into the coffee shop and say hi. Eric says, what flavor today Rae, I say Raspberry, Cherry or Vanilla. Nothing too wild. He says okay. I know it is a double but of what I am not sure. I don't know the difference between a latte or a cappucino or a esspresso. So maybe I am not as fanatical as I think, but I know what I like. I have a hard time going to other shops because I don't know what it is that Eric makes for me or what it might be called in other places.

Sometimes coffee can be a problem though. This morning was primo primo bad coffee morning. However, I will not stop drinking it just because of primo bad mornings. This morning the coffee beans spilled all over the place. Coffee beans are like ice cubes, the inevitably leave at least one on the floor to be stepped on. Then I made it through the rest of my morning seemingly okay, but I forgot about the car. The car and the coffee just didn't mesh. Normally, I can get to work with my oversized coffee mug with no problem. I knocked the ceramic on my teeth and I have no idea how I did that and it splattered all over my blouse. This was as I had just gotten out of my driveway. I spilt it three more times before I got to work. Primo. The coffee was great bytheway. And I was beautifully decorated in my professional coffee stained outfit.

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