Friday, December 09, 2005

Well, I had to return my grown up car back into the rental place. It was a 2006 Nissan Maxima. That was sad. It was such a nice vehicle. It was as long and wide as a boat. I felt like I was driving the car I learned on: 1988 Caprice Classic. Boats. Although I would classify the Nissan as a yacht. Luxury reasons. I think I want a grown up car. Well, at least I have the grown up job now I might be able to get a grown up car. Although, I need to find one I can park in a parking spot instead of a boating dock. Surely there are luxury vehicles that are not that big or come with their own drivers.

I have just finished watching the first two Godfathers. Those are great movies. I mean great movies. I have never seen the third one, however it is in queue for my Netflix. Somehow they didn't come together. Next is Labryrinth. I hope it is not as bad as Willow was. I went to bible study and let it slip that I had just finished the second Godfather and one of the women looked right at me and said, "well you probably need a good bible study!" It made me laugh.

Don't Should on it....that was the joke at Bible study. No shoulding...say it, it is funnier. We were talking about expectations.

It is taking everything I have not to buy things. You know how normally you just say, hmm. that looks good, I think I'll take it, oh and it is ten bucks, great! Except this year I have given a Christmas list. It has been since I was owe, twelve since I wrote a Christmas list, but I did because I am so tired of people asking me what I want. I always no what I want, I am a selfish and self centered person. I ALWAYS know what I want. Now it is taking everything I have not to buy what I want...erg. But Christmas will be great.

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