Monday, December 12, 2005

Happy Birthday to Mom
Happy Birthday to Mom
Happy Bithday dear MOOOOOOOOMMMMM
Happy Birthday to Mom!

Mom is old yesterday. I just needed to tell the world.

Well I am ramping up for the New Year's Eve event I am planning. I have so much time on my hands, I think this will be a good one. The more preparation there is the better the event is. I ran out of posters I have done so much work!

My weekend was long. Sometimes I feel like I don't get a weekend. On Saturday I helped out at the flower shop and at the gourmet food shop, as a result, I am tired and unfocused today. I am just going to have to start saying no to thing. I am not all that great at saying no, but I am going to have to say it. IT...

I finished Mark/Peter. Yeah, so the great commission says (in the second ending of Mark) that I can handle snakes if I believe. Let me go try that one. Also, I should be able to speak in tongues. . .I speak Spanish, does that count? In the third ending of Mark/Peter (which is not even listed in the online link I have), Peter was told about the commission. Hmm...I found it interesting that the first ending of Mark stops at "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." I think I would be pretty afraid too. Here I am a WOMAN in the middle of a time when women mean nothing and I am the one who finds out there is no Jesus in the tomb, just some creepy guy saying Christ has risen. I say creepy because it doesn't say angel, it says a young man dressed in a white robe. Pretty creepy. If I had some young man in a white robe hanging out in the grave yard saying things that made no sense, I would be afraid. I mean, who hangs out in graves other than the dead? Creepy. Of course, if the women said nothing to anyone, why do we even know they were there? Someone talked. What it does tell me is that women play a significant role in the ministry of Christ. Women have just as much a bearing as men do. Other wise, men would be doing everything. Mostly, they just got to be called disciples or apostles, but we are the one who discover. Yep, he likes us better. Can you blame him? We are cute. Yes I am being coy, but I am trying to draw a valid point that is that women count. We are not here to cook and clean and let the men step on us. We are here to be disciples too. We can step up to the plate and be a part of our lives. I think I was supposed to be born earlier when I could burn my bra. Although, I like my bra. I think it would have been fun being in the different women's awakenings. I say that plurally because there were at least two that I can think of right off the top of my head and I am only accounting for this country so there are some that are out there for which I don't know. Okay, I am off to find a rattler...


Anonymous said...

of course God thinks women are important...He used a woman to come into the world didn't He?

Rae said...

Ms Scarlett! I don't know nothin bout birthin no babies!