Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm on the last train to Clarkesville and I'll see you at the station. . . .

Did anyone see the train, somehow I got off in Cornelia and I can't seem to figure out how to get home! I started my new job, can ya tell?

I am into Mark/Peter. Yeah, he's weird, why? Phrases like: where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. . .if your eye causes you pain cut it out and throw it away. Yeah, I have never understood this passage. The only way I know how to relate is to just ask God to take away my character defects when they cause me pain. My newest defect is oblivion. While in a lot of ways this can be an asset because I stay in my own little world and not bother any one, the flip side is that I forget people. This week, I forgot Megan. I don't know how I forgot Megan, but I did. I have been in my own little world trying desperately to do what God would have me do and I stepped right in my own way. Specifically, I stepped on Megan by forgetting her. I forgot Iris's birthday party. I had another function at the same time and thought that the birthday party would be over when I was done with what I was doing and didn't stop to call, write or send smoke signals. I just forgot. Selfishness and self centeredness is the root of all my troubles. I tried to apologize because that is the right thing to do. Michelle says now I have to let God do his thing and heal her heart. I went to my first ever Bible study this morning and the theme was the power of God. People talked about all the great miracles that God performed in the old testament and of course the Miracle of the new testament and my insides still want to worry. I want to rub solvent on her wound and make her my Megan again and I just can't. God has to do that. God is the solvent. Christ is my solvent, but God is the solvent. I can't believe I got that out of my reading from Peter. . . Mark, last night. Last night when I was thinking about what the passage meant all I could think was I don't get it. Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another. Let go and let God huh? Okay, that I get.

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