Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Enough is enough

This morning my meditation was about having faith in God that He would provide everything I needed. One of my ticklers in my brain has been going off lately because I am trying to save money. I want to travel to the coast of New Hampshire. I didn't know there was a coast on New Hampshire until my girlfriend invited me to be in her wedding. Most people laugh hysterically when they find out that I didn't know that. It is because I am not kidding when I say I don't travel. Getting me out of the state of Georgia is practically impossible. As a result, I gave up on remembering geography. So to the coast that I didn't know existed I go. I am saving just short of $500 a month. This is a great thing. I am hoping it will keep me in the mode afterwards to save for a home, which it turns out will be "our" home instead of "my" home. Cool.

Anyway, I am saving money, however, my insides feel like I am broke. The tickler in the back of my head has been saying:
"you are going to run out"
"there is not enough money to be saving money"
"you are going to be hungry"
"you are just going to have to give up and not do something fun" {that is the worst one, I can't stand to miss out on fun stuff}

This morning the meditation shut off my tickler. God gives me everything I need and everything I want for that matter. Most of the time I say, "Hey God, Can I?" and he says, "Yeah, sure" or "Maybe later" or "Hmmm. Let me think about that one and get back with you" {This one is hard because I have to sit and wait and I am not good at sitting and waiting} And of course there is the "No" and the "No way, you're nuts." That one is one of my favorites because it is typically loud and in my face and there is nothing to do but laugh because otherwise I would cry myself to death.

That tickler has been going off since Sunday and I have until Friday when I get paid and get a fresh pocket full of budgeted mad money. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I get a little on the crazy side about things and this time, God will provide is in the meditation. I have heard about God talking to people, and truly, God has never said GO HERE (otherwise I would travel...quickly) to me. However, I like to think that God plants things in my life like meditations at just the right time. I don't know if He does, but it makes the coincidences much cooler.

Currently listening: Possibilities By Herbie Hancock Release date: By 30 August, 2005

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