Friday, August 12, 2005

Well, my job imploded and while things might work out for the women who are imploding, I am not willing to work for them. I am, as we speak, shopping for other employment. I have applied at the local restaurants and strangely enough for a company where everyone seems to be educated on the website! It is an "executive assistant" position. I am exhausted of positions with that title, but who knows. I really want to be a lawyer and live off the fat of the land! Don't worry, I know being a lawyer is work too. But it looks like the lsats just got farther away and not having a job makes me depressed a bit. I am doing the right thing and have already gotten back into the swing of finding something, but it is tiring and I kind of feel like I have been looking for a job for the past five years. I am ready to be settled. I am off as we speak to go apply for another local admin assistant position. We shall see. I know first things first, bills have to be paid. Is there anyway to have the bills paid without working? Someone said I could marry a rich abusive husband and then divorce him. I think I like John who is soft and loving with no money better. I am not really into pain just to pay the bills. Maybe I should play the lottery. It got me through school! Just kidding.


Anonymous said...

found you!!

Rae said...
