Sunday, August 21, 2005

My week has been strange to the nth degree this week. I have found two places to be employed. First, I am working at a tea room that is next door to my apartment. Second, I am waiting tables at this fabulous restaurant out in the middle of nowhere. It is structured similar to what I am used to in Atlanta and I am very comfortable there. They were so impressed with my service last night that I was tipped out! (not tipped out like, great job here's a ten spot, like TIPPED.) There are some nuances that I will have to get used to, but generally speaking, it is the same restaurant everywhere. At the tea room, I am referred to as the business manager, which means I tell people "no, you cannot have any more money." And then I spend the money just made. I also help with service, but it is not the same. I am part timing it with her so that I can be of service not to make money. I think that is true out at Glen Ella too, but it is a job, job, as opposed to a . . .God thing. I think God got me both jobs on purpose, I guess is what I am saying. The other really nice thing is that at neither job will I experience what Meg experienced this week. She had a customer stand and cuss her for the child crying at another table. There will be no cussing at these places I am working, both are too nice and too. . . just too nice.

I felt really bad for Megan. That was the second bad day in a row for her. She is really stressed right now because she has started school at the Art Institute on a scholarship so she has to really stay on top of things. It is hard being a top student, managing a restaurant, having a really nice boyfriend, socializing with me and raising a near two year old, Iris-pie. Did I ever mention that I have the most amazing best friend in the world?

God has been really busy this week: This week, in the tea room, (did I mention that the woman who owns the tea room is a pastor's wife and a mother of EIGHT?!), the tea lady (as she will be listed from here on) has an eldest child who is a missionary in Brazil. Unfortunately, they have no contacts left other than her church for fundraising abilities. The wierd part is that their baby is in the hospital. The US Dollar was cut in half not too long ago & they lost income. This man, out of nowhere, walked into the tea room and wrote a check for the amount of the hospital bills for the baby in Brazil. Who would guess? The tea lady started crying. Had I known he was going to do that, I wouldn't have charged him for his meal! Go God. They still need a car, but I am sure God is working on that too. I have a feeling I will get to see more cool God things like that if I hang around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!