Saturday, April 03, 2010

Day One: Started blog over, ran down the driveway. 

Now this sounds a bit rediculous to some people: running down the driveway.  My Mom could run down her driveway in four steps.  Maybe more, she is short.  But her driveway is just a bit longer than the length of her car, which means it is not much of one.  But then again, I think she lives on a postage stamp.  Very small land. 

I live on a 65+/- acre farm.  I don't live on the edge of the farm.  I don't live at one of the four corners of the farm.  I live square in the middle of the pasture.  When I look out my front window: cows.  When I look out my back window: cows.  Doesn't matter where I am: cows. 

In order to get to where I live, it is .2 of a mile down a dirt road.  The entire length of the road, which runs right up to the fence gate is .25 of a mile.  This is not a friendly dirt drive.  It is not like oh, how sweet, I am driving to the little house on the prairie.  It is full of dirt, cow patties, a calf on occasion who gets out from under the wire, rocks, a golf ball (noticed it the other day buried deep), hills and dips and finally levels off at the road and or my shack.  It is dirty and rough.  But because it is a quarter mile long, it makes for nice laps.  Two laps = 1 mile.  I don't keep track of time or anything like that because it is just a miracle in and of its self that I am running at all. 

In order for me to get down my driveway, I pray in my morning prayers: God get me down that driveway.  Of course He doesn't put my running shoes on for me or plug my i-pod in or open the door to the shack to let me out.  I am not really sure what He does, but I still ask for help because when I have asked for help in the past, He always helps.

So I ran one mile.  I did 5 real pushups (not those pansy girlly ones that just unequalize the playing field and oppress women).  I did 100 crunches.  I did 40 bicep curls per arm.  It felt good.  I was sweating like those people in the gym. 

Here's to living on a farm with a built in track. 

Here's to my red dress with white polka dots.


Joanie said...

Yay! I'm proud of you! Take 1 day at a time. Happy Easter!

Vicki said...

Yay Rae! Go Rae Go!! Run Rae Run! I think you're going to motivate me to get out there now that the weather is warmer. My cholesterol is 220...I've got to do something...