Friday, October 15, 2004

I’ve been working on the railroad….all the live long day….

It will be too soon if I see this office again. Oh my goodness, I work too much. I haven’t blogged in forever not to mention write anyone email or snail mail or watch movies. Well, that’s not true, I have been watching movies. I feel like I am constantly behind. My boss is even gone and I am behind.

Good news, Iris is standing. She hasn’t given up on the whole crawling thing, but she is standing. She is holding her own bottle and says bye-bye and uh-oh. She also says it at the right times. She is totally fascinated by our fall weather, as am I. I bought my annual Sweetwater sweatshirt and this year they are hoodies! Hurray! We sat in front of the coffee shop yesterday and played in the leaves and the dirt and with the new puppy that belonged to a friend (Talk about a Hallmark card!).

I have begun working on my Christmas gifts already. I am very proud of them and love the holidays. I have found a Halloween costume on line: Wonder Woman with red leather boots! It costs too much though, so I am just going to be wonder woman with the things that I already have. I got a Wonder Woman t-shirt the other day from the ten year old that spent the week with me. It is a beautiful shirt and says “AMAZON PRINCESS” across the top of it and since no one in the office knows the story of WW, they didn’t get it. I did though. My WW collection is growing by the day.

I went to Savannah for a weekend and got all dressed up and went to a couple of fancy dinners on a company junket. That was fun. It was a little scary because I have never done anything like that. But it was fun. Although, since that week, I feel like I haven’t slept. My boyfriend even said something to me about not seeing enough of me! Who would guess? So hopefully, this weekend, I will slow down a bit. I am going to Jekyll Island the third weekend of October for fun and excitement. Rest is on its way. I know I am not going to Australia or Peru or Greece, but lately I have been quite the little traveler. I am grateful to travel.

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